In Digimon Frontier, Kouji is briefly tickled by Takuya and JP.In Digimon Adventure 02, Davis and DemiVeemon get into a tickle fight while taking a bath together.In another episode, Joe tickles Gomamon, but it's offscreen and only in the English dub.In Digimon Adventure, Tai gets tickled by his teacher after remarking that he could be an evil Digimon.Often zigzags into this trope's more 'malicious' counterpart. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo invokes this with a startling and unexpected frequency between the various characters in the show, which comes as no surprise given the anime's sense of humor.Rangiku then gets out of the tub and starts tickling her in an attempt to cheer her up.
In one episode of Bleach, Orihime has invited Rangiku Matsumoto over as a guest, as she's bathing Orihime tells her about what had recently happened to her and she begins to cry.In one episode of Aishiteruze Baby, Kippei playfully tickles Yuzuyu after she wakes him up from his nap.The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You: Rentarou uses this to help break the ice for Shizuka after she joins the harem.